Pollinate NYC
Opening Prayers with representatives from the Ramapough Lenape Nation
Panel on the city & regional food systems, indigenous food ways, urban pollination, food security and community resiliency.
Cultural exchange with project partners from 6 nations’ Akwesasne Freedom School and the Mayan Tz’utujil Nation
Introduction to Pollinate NYC
Concert by Dream Seed
Q & A
Closing Remarks
Join us on Friday, April 25th from 11am-4pm, for Pollinate NYC, the launch of Root to Heaven’s new initiative in partnership with The New School’s Food Studies Program, Heart & Mind Festival, and Golden Drum.
***This event is a fundraiser to support environmentally regenerative projects with Akwesasne Freedom School and Walkers for Peace.
All tickets purchased are 100% tax deductible through Root to Heaven’s 501(c)3 status.
New York City is, in both senses of the meaning of pollination, one of the “pollinator capitals” of the world. It is a haven for natural biodiversity, which is dependent on biological pollination. NYC also has the most park land in any US city, with more than 20% tree cover. Its biodiversity includes 869 rare plant species, 482 rare animal species, and 182 natural community types across the 5 boroughs of the City.
Cultural pollination in NYC includes art, music, policy, advocacy, fashion, and diverse cultural movements from around the world. The city that never sleeps has attracted and continues to attract some of the most brilliant luminaries ever known to the world. Every year millions of people visit NYC to chase a dream and take the inspiration home, extending cultural pollination beyond the city.
Yet while the city attracts visitors and residents from all nations and continents, social, financial, and cultural disparities between neighborhoods and boroughs continue growing. And while NYC continues to be among the most diverse cities across the globe, the city’s biodiversity is threatened. Neighbors don’t speak, streets are dirty, the air polluted, and green spaces are shrinking.
Research shows that disconnecting from nature can negatively affect society by leading to decreased mental and physical well-being, reduced environmental awareness, increased stress levels, lower levels of pro-environmental behaviors, and potentially even contributing to social issues like increased conflict and violence. When people lose a sense of connection to something larger than themselves, their environment, and their community; this is often referred to as "nature deficit disorder." Spending time in nature, in the open spaces, gardens and parks across the city can foster a sense of community and connection among people and a sense of belonging to place.
Long before the built environment rose as a dense grid of canyons and skyscrapers, Manhattan was home to the Lenape Natives. Its Munsee name of manaháhtaan means the place to gather (the wood) for bows.
A recreation of Mannahatta circa 1609.Credit...Markley Boyer/The Mannahatta Project, via Wildlife Conservation Society via NY Times
Lower Manhattan in the early 21st century.Credit...Stephen Amiaga/Wildlife Conservation Society via NY Times
Surrounded by a brackish estuary and tidal rivers, NYC’s marshy, grassland soil was originally a vibrant ecosystem teaming with biodiversity and home to over 130 native species of flora and countless fauna. “For millennia the waters and wetlands, woodlands and grasslands were inhabited by a large diversity of species. Deer, elk, moose, wood bison, black bear, fox, cougar, bobcat, and lynx roamed our forests. Beavers built dams on freshwater streams, otters made their homes in rivers and ponds. Early colonists described spring fish runs as so thick a man could walk across a river on their backs. Striped bass, shad, alewives and other river herring — these were the fish that migrated by the hundreds of thousands from the ocean and crowded into our rivers and streams to spawn in fresh inland waters.”
-Betsy McCully, New York Wildlife
It is recognized that the wisdom of the original people of this land, and that of Indigenous Peoples from across the world, holds a key piece in addressing the growing diseases of engineered modernity, industrialization, and digital distraction. In certain native dialects, there is no word for they. Identification only happens through an inclusive US. Their worldview is instructive, and so is their language.
In many cases, the Indigenous concept of the US places the same value on nature as it does on a fellow human, there is often no distinction between a child, a tree, a whale, a river, a mountain, or a grandparent. There is no distinction because the knowledge of innate connection between all species and what we deem as inanimate nature is observed and respected. The practice of living in a way that benefits 7 generations to come is widespread, with the understanding that when someone throws a stone into water, what ripples in one place will ripple everywhere.
Indigenous people are responsible for protecting 80% of the world’s biodiversity, a fact that is recognized in global treaties and policies. The neural, genetic and subatomic connectivity of species established in science was represented and recorded in ancient knowledge ways long before it was measured by modern practice.
Pollinate NYC is a multi-year, multi-layered initiative which includes:
Reforesting urban spaces.
Educational policy labs teaching food growth with native food forests.
Traditional wisdom on indigenous ways of planting and ecology
Neighborhood and community engagement to create biodiversity oases instead of food deserts.
Funding through enrollment to Practice to Policy Lab for tribal nations’ projects, cross pollinating knowledge to resources.
Food lab donations to city organizations feeding homeless and at risk populations of NYC.
We launch this initiative with partners including The New School University, Root to Heaven founder’s Alma Mater. With deep roots in Indigenous activism and assembly, alongside a rich Food Studies Program, The New School is the chosen launch pad for Pollinate NYC.
Pollinate NYC is a pilot project of a new Practice to Policy Engagement lab led by Thomas Forster, New School Food Studies part-time faculty member and urban-rural linkages specialist.
learn more about root to heaven
Indigenous Wisdom Keepers
Nana Marina Cruz is an Ajq'ij (spiritual guide) of the Tz ́utujil People of Guatemaya. She is the daughter of Tata Pedro & works not just as a healer and therapist with natural folk methods, but as a ceremonial leader of fire, tobacco, cacao and temescal. She is a teacher of the Mayan calendar and the Mayan cosmovision. She works closely with the midwives of her community to coordinate prenatal, birth, and postpartum care. She emphasizes the importance of being truly connected in body and spirit. She believes that all things have a meaning, every emotion, every disease, and that these energies all have their origin. It is by finding the origin, that we can truly heal the spirit and body.
Theresa Bearfox
“I always loved music, and I realized later that I had a gift for songwriting around the age of 29. When I look back and think about it, I always had this beautiful gift, but I didn’t realize what I had. I remember when I was riding the bus to school I could hear music coming to me. I look around and there was no radio playing. It was a melody coming that only I could hear. So I would hum the melody I was hearing. As I got older, I first began writing songs that were in Mohawk for our Traditional Women’s singing group called, ‘Kontiwennenhawi’, (Carriers of the Words). In 2001 my family had a house fire. After this house fire, my family was going through tough times trying to pay bills and trying to put money aside to build a house. One day, I got the idea that I should try and write songs in English. I can write songs in Mohawk maybe I can write songs in English too. The first song that I wrote in English was, ‘Broken.’ The second song that came to me to write was called, ‘Rich Girl.’ So, these are the beginnings of songwriting and singing for me. I began making CDs, and it helps to have them to make ends meet.
When I write a song, I run it by my family first. I have five children; I have one girl and four boys. I remember when I sang them ‘Rich Girl’ for the first time—my kids loved it. It made my daughter cry.”
Alvera Sargent
Konwanahktota ionkiats, Wakenesi:io, Akwesasnoron. My name is Alvera Sargent, I am Snipe Clan of the Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne, a mother of two, and grandmother to four amazing grandchildren.
I have worked with the Akwesasne Freedom School (AFS) since 1997 in various capacities until 2007. I opted to manage the Friends of the Akwesasne Freedom School, a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a prosperous future for the students of the AFS. Here I have worked to revitalize our Kanienkeha (Mohawk) language and culture.
The Friends of the Akwesasne Freedom School staff are currently overseeing a new 12,366 sq. ft. building for the students and staff of the AFS. The opening is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2025!
Levi Herne (Tehonwenhniseráthe) was both born into a family who prioritized their traditional knowledge by providing an environment for learning their traditional language and culture to maintain relationships with the natural world. Growing up, Levi was taught by elders within his community and graduated from the Akwesasne Freedom School. Through his unique educational experience, Levi developed a passion for utilizing traditional practices for growing and harvesting indigenous foods, plants, and trees. His efforts to learn and share the knowledge passed down by his elders and ancestors is how he continues his responsibility as Onkwehón:we (Original People).
Akwesasne Freedom School The Akwesasne Freedom School was founded in 1979 in a grass-roots effort by the Mohawk tribe. The Akwesasne Freedom school is located in St. Regis Mohawk Reservation, New York. It was founded with the intention of strengthening the Mohawk culture which was once in danger of being extinct.
Pollinator Panelists
Rella Abernathy is a Senior Ecologist with the Nature Based Solutions Team from the City of Boulder Colorado’s Climate Initiatives Department. Throughout Rella’s career, she has been interested in the connections and relationships between different forms of life, how they communicate, and how they affect each other as individuals and their wider environments. The role that people play within living systems and how we interact with our land, water and each other is central to Rella’s current work. In her role at the city, she collaborates closely with others who have diverse experiences, knowledge and approaches to collectively co-create solutions that reduce climate-related risks, build biodiversity and resilience, while improving the safety and wellbeing of our communities.
Columba González-Duarte Through her research, Columba examines the conservation dynamics of the monarch butterfly across three nations, analyzing the connections between NAFTA’s agri-food industry, labor migration, and the decline of the monarch population. She also collaborates with scientific and Indigenous communities in Canada, the United States, and Mexico to document their knowledge and ways of relating to migratory insects.
Dr. Gonzalez-Duarte's academic practice is shaped by feminist ethics of care, promoting a different form of justice that values the well-being of both humans and more-than-humans during their migratory journeys across North America.
Musical Guests
Thomas Forster
For nearly 40 years, the dynamic relationship of cities and towns to their rural hinterlands through the lens of the food system have been at the heart of my personal, professional and policy interests. From rural towns and small islands to major cities around the world I have worked to improve urban rural linkages through strengthening city region food systems.
I have had direct experience in smallholder farming and working with family farmers, creating marketing cooperatives, providing access to land and credit, and in building organizations and campaigns advocating for policies to support good practices. Some of these policies have been to support community food systems, sustainable public food procurement and strengthening urban-rural linkages. For over 30 years I have been engaged in campaigns for international sustainable food and agriculture policy from the first Rio Earth Summit (1992) to the UN Food Systems Summit (2021) to biodiversity and ecosystem restoration summits.
For 18 years I have been on the faculty of the New School Food Studies Program, teaching courses on the practical engagement by civil society in food and farm policy at city, national and international levels.
Nicole Adriana Casanova is a Boriken born student of Maestro Manuel Rufino, a Taino Elder who founded the Golden Drum cultural center in Brooklyn and many communities around the world. She is a graduate of the New School of Public Engagement in New York City. Her cross-disciplinary study included Food Justice and Sovereignty, Environmental Economics, and Psychology.
Nicole is an artist, a writer, poet, songkeeper and storyteller who has travelled the world learning and sharing traditional knowledge. As a student of initiation and the intertribal altar, she is a servant to humanity and the Earth. Root to Heaven is Nicole’s prayer for the Waters of the World.
Join us to learn more about how you can get involved and support Pollinate NYC on Friday, April 25th from 11am-4pm
***This event is a fundraiser to support environmentally regenerative projects with Akwesasne Freedom School and Walkers for Peace.
All tickets purchased are 100% tax deductible through Root to Heaven’s 501(c)3 status.